Current 501(c)(3) status
Gunfighters for Hire is proud that it can provide the non-profit information so that you can be guaranteed that when you donate your tips, that our organization has been recognized as a valid 501(c)(3) organization. Your donations help us help other needy organizations. On March 12, 2018, the IRS confirmed Gunfighters for Hire as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, an upgrade from the 501(c)(4) status. If you are looking to make a donation to Gunfighters for Hire for tax purposes, then we would be happy to work with you. For material donations over a certain amount, you may be required to obtain a certified appraisal upon submission to Gunfighters for Hire. Once the proper paperwork is processed, then a letter of acceptance will be sent to you confirming your donation.
Internal Revenue Service
Public Charity Status: 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)
DLN: 17053269313017
IRS Form 990N
DBA: Gunfighters for Hire
EIN: 33-0883320
Effective Date of Exemption: June 19, 2017
Franchise Tax Board
State Form 199N
DBA: Gunfighters for Hire
FEIN: 330883320
Previous 501(c)(4) status
Gunfighters for Hire is proud that it can provide the non-profit information so that you can be guaranteed that when you donate your tips, that our organization has been recognized as a valid 501(c)(4) organization with both the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board of California. Your donations help us help other needy organizations. Donations made to Gunfighters for Hire are NOT tax deductible.
Internal Revenue Service
IRS Form 990N filed
DBA: Gunfighters for Hire
EIN: 33-0883320
Submission ID: 7800582015073dg41274
Franchise Tax Board
State Form 199N Filed
DBA: Gunfighters for Hire
FEIN: 330883320